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December 2018

Reviews about Tank Chess

Tank Chess is a game which full qualities can be grasped only after playing a dozen games. It's even more pronounced if the players are equally experienced, since the games between the players who are approximately at the same level are the most interesting ones. We, as authors, are still often amazed by the depth you can encounter in some situations, even with the standard obstacle setup, not to mention when we test new setups and schemes.

The artwork of the game is not very ambitious on purpose because we wanted to emphasize the game mechanics. We're still waiting for the positive reviews from around the world but we're aware that it will be a slow process as the distribution of the games is going step by step on its own. For now, we've selected three articles:

"While this may not satisfy the diehard war scenario game player, it is in my mind just the right game to get a feel for tactics."

​- Calvin Daniels

''Za razliku od svog indijskog pretka, ova igra je dinamičnija, zanimljivija i neuporedivo varijabilnija.'' (Unlike its Indian ancestor, this game is more dynamic, more interesting and offers incomparably more variety.)​

- Danko Petrovic​

"Tout en se reposant sur des règles simples et logiques, TANK CHESS vous promet un vaste domaine d’exploration théorique. GÉNIAL !"

(While based on simple and logical rules, TANK CHESS promises you a vast field of theoretical exploration. BRILLIANT!)

- Chatelain Philippe

We've also picked one of the comments that summarize the first impressions about Tank Chess.

"Few rules, great depth and balance, infinite longevity. For me it is already a classic."

- Massimo Aversa
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