Reviews and articles about Tank Chess
Threads and comments on BGG and Kickstarter:
"My 10 year old son went to bed late because he couldn't stop talking about the game and he's already talking about possible variants." - M. N.
"This is an infinitely re playable game." - Tom Glauser
"An exercise in perfection through simplicity!" - Colin Knipe
"It's a great, light tactical game and has awesome replay ability. I highly recommend it." - Scott Townsend
"It is very easy to immerse yourself into the persona of a great Tank Commander directing his forces to victory!" - Shaun Austin
"Really cool game that is very easy to learn and that plays very quickly. The game offers so much in so little space." - Michael Schneider
"Few rules, great depth and balance, infinite longevity. For me it is already a classic." - Massimo Aversa
Review by Calvin Daniels:
"While this may not satisfy the diehard war scenario game player, it is in my mind just the right game to get a feel for tactics."
Review by Danko Petrovic:
''Za razliku od svog indijskog pretka, ova igra je dinamičnija, zanimljivija i neuporedivo varijabilnija.''
(Unlike its Indian ancestor, this game is more dynamic, more interesting and offers incomparably more variety.)
Review by Chatelain Philippe:
"Tout en se reposant sur des règles simples et logiques, TANK CHESS vous promet un vaste domaine d’exploration théorique. GÉNIAL !"
(While based on simple and logical rules, TANK CHESS promises you a vast field of theoretical exploration. BRILLIANT!)
Review by Ats:
" 5分で分かるシンプルなルールながら、どのコマにもしっかり役割があり、各特徴を活かしてじわじわと詰めていくプレイ感はまさに将棋やチェスといったアブストラクト系ゲーム。"
(Despite the simple rules that can be understood in 5 minutes, each piece has an important role, and the feeling of play is an abstract game such as Shogi or Chess.)